Saturday, September 1, 2012

I don't like San Francisco... I love it!

There's a great quote that asserts, "the coldest winter I ever had was a summer in San Francisco." As much as this may prove true for most summers in this foggy yet wonderful city, this past week has been nothing but close to amazing! Every day for this final week in August has been the perfect temperature, except for that one day I was wondering why I didn't bring my winter jacket because the wind was so bone-chilling...

Let me give you a little recap of why I continuously fall in love with San Francisco:


This is an example of one delicious meal that I've been able to cook here. Along with this, you can't be in San Francisco without sampling some of its very eclectic cuisine.. You can find any type of food from every corner of the earth here. My new favorite are the tacos from Gracias Madre in the Mission (and for all you Penny Cluse lovers, their sister restaurant, Boogaloos, is also in SF!)


 Elliott and I spent some quality time together, eating lots of good food, putzing around the city, hanging out in Dolores Park, and visiting people on the East Bay.

Jeremy, Aaron, and I had the chance to release our inner child at the Dolores Park playground before drinking some hot sake and eating big bowls of soup at a little Japanese restaurant.
I also got to spend a little time on the East Bay with my uncle, aunt, and cousins, which is always a pleasure!


Danilo came to visit for a day, and we hit up the Sutro Baths down by Ocean Beach, and also drove all over the city to give a quickie tour of the place.

My dear and lovely amigas, Eva and Mallory, who are in the process of moving to the Bay Area, stayed with me for three days! Here they are eating an amazing meal at Gracias Madre, where we also met up with my friend, Beth. I wish you girls the best of luck in your adventures :)

 Can you just look at that view?!?!
And of course you can't forget the beach

So now I say farewell to the United States, and HOLA to México!!! Next stop, Mexico City (D.F.) for a day before heading to my program in Cuernavaca for the next six months!!

Nos vemos pronto! :)

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